Present: Lloyd Worth (Chair), Janon Swink (Treasurer), Shawna Miller, Julie Stewart, Rodney Knodel, Rhianon Collins, Joan Kniss
Excused Absent: Juan Luna, Magi McEntire, Ann Taddeo
Unexcused Absent: Aryn Lallas, Clint Blackhurst (went to Historic City Hall instead of Almost Home; he did text Joan asking for location; however, Joan did not pick up the text until after the meeting)
Tardy: Greg Mills arrived at 12:13
- Call to Order- Chairman Worth called the meeting to order at 11:35.
- Approval of the Agenda- Motion to approve the agenda by Joan and second by Julie. Motion passed.
- Introduction of Guests- None
- Approval of November 15, 2018 minutes- Motion to approve by Rodney and second by Janon. Motion passed.
- Financial Report- Presented by Janon
- $52,600 was received from the City.
- Checks have been sent to the grantees. If the request was for over $2000 then only half of the money was sent except for the Youth Commission who needed the total now in order to fund S.P.E.A.K.
- $900 is left in youth funding.
- Groups that request will be told that they must give a follow-up report on how the funds were used or they will not be funded in 2010.
- $750 that is in the youth funding account will be moved to outside agency account.
- We received $75 from Colorado Gives Day.
- We received $750 from LuLu’s.
- We still have not received proceeds from the Karaoke event. Lloyd will follow-up with Juan.
- Old Business
- Growing Grads evening- Rhianon and Ann represented us. They provided information and scholarship applications.
- End of Year Report- Amanda did this work for us, and it is completed.
- Chamber of Commerce membership- We agreed to continue this membership due to the benefits via the Non-Profit Council.
- 2019 Grant Contracts- All of them are signed and in.
- Grant applications/contracts- We need to revise to clearly state the expectations that grantees give a follow-up report.
- Sponsorships
- We had a lengthy discussion as to whether we need to look for sponsorships again. The majority felt there was a financial benefit to do this.
- We decided that this is the last year that we will provide scholarships and that any money raised will go to our non-profits.
- Money from 2018 fundraisers- Motion made by Lloyd and seconded by Rhianon that we give only one scholarship this final year, and that $2000 go to Rodney for his many years of dedication to our foundation. Motion passed.
- New Business
- Election of Officers
- Chairperson- Motion made by Joan and second by Lloyd to elect Magi as our chair. Motion passed.
- Vice Chairperson- Motion made by Lloyd and second by Joan to elect Rhianon. Motion passed.
- Secretary- Motion made by Lloyd and seconded by Janon to elect Joan as secretary. Motion passed.
- 2019 Fundraisers
- Disc Golf Tournament- Saturday, June 15 at Benedict Park. At the next meeting a sign-up sheet will go around asking for volunteers for two hour shifts.
- Karaoke- Shawna will chair the committee.
- Changemakers Meeting- Joan reported on the meeting.
- Big Check Presentations- A new check will be ordered (thank you to Julie for offering to pay for it as part of United Power’s sponsorship), and an email will go out asking for volunteers to present to the various non-profits.
- Contract with Griffimages
- We reviewed Amanda’s contract proposal for 2019. It is the same amount as 2018.
- Motion made by Joan and seconded by Shawna to approve the contract. Motion passed.
- Next meeting: March 28, 11:30-1:00 at Almost Home Community Room
- Lunch will be provided by Team C: Julie, Janon, Juan and Magi.
Respectfully submitted by Joan Kniss