Attendance: Joan, Karah, Carrie, Aryn, Yvette, Carol, Wilma, Josh, Juan
Excused: Janon, Sonda.
I. Call to Order.
II. No guests.
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Approval of February 5, 2014 minutes
V. Financial Report
- Transfer of some funds due to grant to Brighton Bandits Baseball Team
VI. Continuing Business – 2014 BLF Fundraising–Subcommittee Updates
- Cookbook- Wilma
- Disc Golf- Wilma. Camdan, Gary Montoya. Jazz Theme. Music provided 3-4 hours. Gift cards for downtown businesses for the winner. Restaurants. Tickets to Blue Festival. BYC Youth willing to help. Suggestion for big sponsors: $1500 and $750: United Power or Wells Fargo. In kind donations: Chick Fil A, Fugetaboutit Pizza or Kikos for burritos. Need two lead sponsorships and two lead in kind donations. Upon arrival would be breakfast burritos and fruit and lunch would be pizza and pies, water and pop. Gift bags with sunscreen, chap stick, discs. There was a mix up in park reservation. Signage near water park “Flying Discs.” Date: 5/31/14 from 8a-4p.
- Kickball- Juan. One field for family and friends $50. One field for singles and teams $250 per team. Up to ten players. T shirts from last year give away as a prize. DJ is Tidal Wave Dave Debuine! No food. Water and Soda only. Date: 6/21/14 date conflicts with Relay for Life. Times suggested 2p – ?
- Historic Tour- Yvette, Aryn, Carol. Date 9/6 or 9/13. Progressive dinner idea. Discussed drinks and appetizers at Copper Rail. Buffet dinner and glass of wine at Pinocchio’s. (Jordanelli’s 1952. Tunnels underground for brothels?) Dessert at the Armory. Silent auction or raffle prize at the end (involve the cookbook, Safeway – one foot of steaks). Three tours (fifteen minutes apart). Three volunteer tour guides Wilma Rose, Pat Reicher, Ken Kreizler – ten people in each. Cost $25 per person.
- Scholarship application for Continuing Education – due 4/30/14 and 6/30/14.
- Attendance at other meetings
– Non-profit council – Third week of each month. PVMC. 11:30 – 1p
– Janon will make a presentation to the City Council in March 11. - Contracts for outside agencies and fire department–Fireman Statue. Selling bricks. 3% admin charge. Wilma
VII. New Business
- Do we want to form a team for Help for Homes which will be Saturday, May 3? Yes.
- Do we want a booth at Culture Fest which will be June 7? Yes. Garden club flowers.
- Discussed primary sponsors for all three events. $2500, $1500, $1000, $500.
- For future discussion – Update BLF brochure and post cards with 2014 BLF events.
- Our tag line – “Making a difference in our local community.” Combined marketing effort of our events so that we have one time ask to our sponsors.
- BLF T shirts for board members to wear to events – $10 to Carol
- Have you signed up for lunch?
VIII. BLF Website Update:
- Josh is working on our site (exists but no longer being managed.) Josh creating a new one. In addition, would like to add twitter, and maybe YouTube. Downloading an interactive return Drop down discussion of our mission statement, option to donate, how to get involved, application to apply for board position, current fundraisers, etc. Cookbook online. He also needs photos of Brighton. Josh has linked our page to Facebook and Linked In. Encouraged us to “Like”. Our minutes will not be available online but upon request. Need update on the drop downs. Get navigation to include forms for volunteering, cookbook to submit electronically.
- Website needs to be followed through on and completed. Send a few sentences about yourself (and why you joined BLF) with photo by March 14th. Email
Next meeting- April 2, 2014 at 11:00