Members present: Wilma, Janon, Yvette, Juan, and Joan
I. Old Business
- A decision was made to send Salud the $300 they had requested from the 2013 unallocated outside agency fund.
- Appreciation Breakfast
Considerable discussion was held as to whether to proceed with the breakfast. Pros and cons were discussed.
Motion made and seconded to not do the breakfast in January. Motion passed. - Disc Golf- The date is set for May 31 so that it will coincide with the Blues Festival.
II. New Business
- Officers for next year
Joan will serve as the President.
Yvette agreed to serve as Vice President.
Janon will continue as treasurer.
Sonda was suggested as our secretary. Joan will ask her. - Joan will need to be put on the bank account.
III. Yearly planning session will be held Friday, January 3 beginning at 11:00 in the “historic” room on the third floor. Please, plan on about 3 hours.
- Each member will receive a folder with the following documents:
- Mission Statement
- Articles of Incorporation
- By-laws
- Policy Funding for Outside Agencies
- Conflict of Interest Agreement
- Membership Roster
- Dates for 2014 meetings
IV. 2014 Outside Agency Funding- Motion made and seconded to approve the allocations:
- Audio Information Services- $750
- Almost Home- $10,500
- Alternatives to Family Violence- $4000
- Arapahoe House- $0
- Brighton SDA Food Bank- $7000
- Brighton Shares the Harvest- $750
- Brighton Youth Commission SPEAK program- $4000
- Brothers Redevelopment- $12,000
- Calvary Chapel Food Bank- $2500
- CASA- $2400
- Chapel Hill Church Food Pantry- $0 (they wanted a pick-up truck)
- Community Reach Center- $0
- Harmony Angels Foundation- $500
- His Hands Ministry Food Bank- $3500
- Meals on Wheels- $6000
- Pennock Counseling Center- $7000
- RM Bird Observatory- $1000
- Salud Family Health Center- $300 * see I a. above
- The Senior Hub- $1000
- St. Augustine’s Food Pantry- $12,000
- YESS institute- $0
- Total amount allocated- $75,200
- Wilma also sent an email with contact information for each of these agencies.
V. Volunteer Firemen- This group is using our 501 (c)(3). A contract is being prepared, and an administrative fee will be assessed.
VI. Wilma will ask that the Legacy Foundation be put on the City Council’s study session agenda for an update.
VII. A reminder that we will not meet on Wednesday, January 1 New Year’s Day. Instead our yearly planning session will be held Friday, January 3 beginning at 11:00 in the “historic” room on the third floor. Please, plan on about 3 hours.
Minutes provided by Joan Kniss