Present: Chairperson Magi McEntire, Vice Chair Rhianon Collins, Lloyd Worth, Janon Swink, Peggy Jarrett, Clint Blackhurst, Ann Taddeo, Juan Luna, Ashley Settergren, Joan Kniss
Absent: Julie Stewart
- Call to Order- The meeting was called to order by Magi.
- Approval of the Agenda- Motion made by Peggy with a second by Clint to adjust the agenda so that Janon could present the Treasurer’s report first. Motion approved.
- Treasurer’s Report- Janon reported on the following:
- The following bills were outstanding: $778 for insurance, $300 to Amanda Griffin for the website. Catherine for her work in November and December.
- There is $4256 left in Administration account; $14,000 in Outside Agency plus $4000 left from the Brighton Youth Commission.
- $148.00 was earned via Amazon Smile.
- Magi moved and Joan seconded to move $2000 from Administration to Outside Agency bringing that account to $20,000. Motion approved.
- Motion made by Janon and second by Ann to approve using $778 from Administration for insurance. Motion approved.
- September minutes will be approved in January.
- Old Business
Kids First asked for a three month extension to use their funds. They were not able to complete their work at Brighton High School because of Covid shutdown. This extension was granted.
- New Business- The following grants were approved:
- Let Your Light Shine- $10,000
- Junior Achievement- $1500
- Reaching Hope- $8000
- Food Bank of the Rockies- Representatives presented the following in regards to the work they do in Brighton:
- 150 households which is approximately 700 individuals per month
- 60-80 pounds of food per household
- $12,000 granted
- Front Range Community College- Representative presented the following:
- There is a high need for emergency funding for some of their students.
- This funding helps with rent, groceries, and childcare.
- 160 students use this funding in Brighton.
- $5000 was granted, and it will be issued through the students’ Ft Range account rather than directly given to students.
- The Link- $1150
- Food for Hope- $5000
- Coal Creek Adult Center- $2000
- Bird Conservancy- $1875
- Calvary Chapel Food Pantry- $3000
- St Augustine Food Bank- $12,000
- Brighton Youth Commission- $6000
- Pennock Center- $10,000
- Richard Lambert Foundation- $10,000
- Brothers Redevelopment- $10,000
- Friends of Barr Lake- $3000
- Almost Home- $10,000
The following grants were denied because they asked for personnel costs: CASA, Family Tree.
Motion made by Clint and seconded by Ann to approve the grant funding. Motion passed.
- Next meeting- In January we will vote on officers.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Kniss