Virtual Meeting
Present: Chairperson Magi McEntire, Vice Chair Rhianon Collins, Lloyd Worth, Janon Swink, Juan Luna, Ann Taddeo, Peggy Jarrett, Ashley Settergren, Joan Kniss
Absent: Julie Stewart, Clint Blackhurst
- Call to Order- The meeting was called to order by Magi at 11:35 am.
- Approval of the Agenda- Motion made by Peggy and seconded by Joan to approve the agenda. Motion passed.
- Review of July minutes
Lloyd offered an amendment to VI New Business- Currently, the minutes say, “We had set aside $10,000 to support this program (referring to Brothers Redevelopment).” The amended statement will read “We had set aside $10,000 in emergency funding in anticipation of Brothers request.” Motion made by Lloyd and seconded by Peggy to approve the amended minutes.
- Financial report – Janon reported on the following:
- All the grant checks have cleared.
- $2000 scholarship was given to Rodney Knodel.
- Post office box has been renewed. Cost was $106.00.
- The bookkeeper Catherine has been paid. Her bill is $52.50 a month.
- $62.00 was received from Amazon Smile.
- There is $14,143 in Outside Agency account and $2,500 in Youth Funding account.
- Old Business
Year End Grant Report form- Peggy will share the template that the hospital uses for its CHIP grants. It was suggested that information about how the grants impacted lives would be helpful in order to share our successes. The deadline for these reports will be October 31, 2020.
- New Business
Grant applications have been updated and posted on website.
- Next Meeting will be held on October 19, 2020 at 11:30. This will be a virtual meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Kniss, Secretary