Present: Lloyd Worth (Chair), Magi McEntire, Janon Swink (Treasurer), Julie Stewart, Clint Blackhurst, Rhianon Collins, Ann Taddeo, Shawna Miller, Joan Kniss
Tardy: Rodney Knodel (came at 12:00)
Excused: Juan Luna and Greg Mills
Unexcused: Aryn Lallas
- Call to Order by Chairman Worth
- Approval of Agenda- Motion to approve by Clint and second by Magi. Motion passed.
- Introduction of Guests- none
- Approval of September 27, 2018 minutes- Motion to approve by Clint and second by Shawna. Motion passed.
- Financial Report- Janon
- Since Janon has just assumed this position, she will give a report in January.
- We collected $30 from Amazon Smiles.
- Old Business
- 2018 fundraisers’ update
- Still waiting on a check from Juan from the Main Street Karaoke event.
- Nothing yet from LuLu’s but expect $500
- Lloyd gave an update on the new website format.
- Past director Yvette and Kerri were given $50 gifts.
- 2018 fundraisers’ update
- New Business
- End of Year report- It was felt that we need to ask City Council for more funding. We have been receiving $80,000 since inception, and with the community growing and the number of non-profits increasing, there are many more needs.
- Holiday get together- Dec 20 at 11:30 at Heaven Dragon
- Grant Applications
- Representatives from the following applicants were interviewed: Kids First Health Care, Ripbeams, Brighton Shares the Harvest, Let Your Light Shine, The Link, Brothers Redevelopment
- All the grant applications were reviewed. The requests totaled $147,922, and the following were approved.
- Brighton Shares the Harvest-$500
- Kids First Health Care- $1,500
- Let Your Light Shine- $2,000
- Ripbeams- $500
- The Link- $500
- Brighton Police Explorers- $2,000
- Brighton Youth Commission- $4,000
- Almost Home- $10,000
- Audio Information Network- $750
- Bird Conservancy of the Rockies- $2,500
- Brothers Redevelopment- $10,000
- Calvary Chapel Food Pantry- $2,500
- CASA- $3,000
- Coal Creek Adult Education Center- $1,500
- Family Tree- $2,000
- Friends of Barr Lake- $2,000
- Pennock Center- $10,000
- Richard Lambert Foundation- $8,000
- Seventh Day Adventist Foodbank- $2,000
- Augustine Community Food Pantry- $12,000
- The Senior Hub- $3,000
- Next Meeting- January 24, 2019 at 11:30 to 1- Historic City Hall
- Lunch provided by Rodney, Greg, Lloyd, Joan
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Kniss
Acting Secretary