- Call to Order:
- Present: Lloyd Worth (chair), Clint Blackhurst, Greg Mills, Magi McEntire, Ann Taddeo, Aryn Lallas, Julie Stewart, Rhianon Collins, Joan Kniss.
- Excused: Rodney Knodel and Janon Swink
- Unexcused: Juan Luna
- Introduction of Guests- Shawna Miller, Executive Director of Almost Home
- Approval of Minutes from June 28, 2018- Discussion over I.d.i- what did the phrase “to stop website hosting” mean. Motion made by Magi and seconded by Joan to approve the revised minutes by deleting “stop.” Motion approved.
- Financial Report- Magi reported
- the second half of the grant payments have been sent out
- scholarship money is being requested
- current balance is $56,220.91
- Old Business
- 2018 Fundraisers
- Karaoke Event Follow-up
- The various raffles netted $800 plus we will receive 15% of the bar tabs.
- Since the major prize, the bike, did not show up, Lloyd purchased a television to raffle off.
- Motion made by Joan and seconded by Clint to reimburse Lloyd for the cost of the television. Motion passed.
- He will give Magi the receipt.
- Big Choice Event- Aryn reported on the following:
- the recent “tapping” events have not been making much money.
- discussion over whether to continue with the event. It was decided not to continue with the event.
- Discussion led to whether we want to continue our scholarship program or partner with another group such as the 27J Education Foundation. This discussion will be on the agenda for our next meeting.
- Lulu’s Farm Event- This is the Chili Fest on September 8. We have no responsibilities other than allowing them to use our liquor license. We are guaranteed $500.
- Disc golf will net $1,038.85
- Karaoke Event Follow-up
- Web Site Update
- The updated site is not live yet because outdated items need to be deleted and more current items need to be added.
- A committee of Lloyd, Rhianon and Joan will meet on August 1 to review the content.
- There are still bios that need to be submitted or updated asap.
- Other- Ann talked about shirt options. She will send us a link to look at choices.
- 2018 Fundraisers
- New Business
- Director Updates
- Yvette Martinez and Kerrie Navarro have submitted their resignations.
- Due to Magi’s job as a financial advisor and the regulations in regards to that position, she can no longer serve as our treasurer unless there is a second signer on the account. The Board authorized Rhiannon Collins to be the second signer on bank account checks. All checks will now need to be signed by both Magi McEntire and Rhiannon Collins.
- Because of the new position, Magi is resigning as Treasurer, effectively immediately. Magi will help the new Treasurer transition into the position.
- Nicole Peterson has decided that she does not have the time to commit to serving on our board, so she will rescind her application.
- Bingo/Raffle Quarterly Reporting
- Ann and Yvette are completing this report.
- This will be the termination report.
- Other- We talked about possible Board members.
- Someone from Platte Valley Medical Center and/or Guarantee Bank would be good additions.
- Joan will prepare a Facebook post recruiting applicants for the Board.
- Director Updates
- Next meeting
- August 23- Since there isn’t any pressing business, motion made by Joan and seconded by Clint to cancel this meeting.
- September 27 will be our next meeting. Julie, Janon, Juan, Magi, and Aryn will provide lunch.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Kniss
Assistant to the assistant secretary