Board Meeting Agenda: September 27, 2018

11:30 AM
Historic City Hall
22 S. 4th Ave.
Brighton, CO 80601

  1. Call to Order, Roll Call (excused: Julie, Juan)
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Introduction of Guests
  4. Approval of July 26, 2018 Meeting Minutes
  5. Financial Report – Magi McEntire (Treasurer)
  6. Old Business
    1. 2018 Fundraisers
      1. Lulu’s Farm Events (Lloyd)
    2. Web Site Update (Lloyd)
    3. Other
  7. New Business
    1. Past Directors gifts?
    2. Joan’s proposal for future fundraisers and scholarships (Joan Kniss)
    3. Other
  8. Next Meetings
    1. October 25rd, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Historic City Hall, Heritage Room
      1. Lunch – Team A (Rhianon, Kerri, Ann, Clint)
    2. November 15th, 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m., Historic City Hall, Heritage Room, Annual Grant Review
      1. Lunch – Team B (Joan, Rodney, Aryn, Greg, Lloyd)
  9. Adjourn