Board Meeting Minutes: September 27, 2018

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
    1. Present: Lloyd Worth (Chair), Ann Taddeo, Rhianon Collins, Clint Blackhurst, Greg Mills (alternate), Magi McEntire (Treasurer), Janon Swink (Vice Chair)
    2. Excused Absence: Julie Stewart, Juan Luna, Rodney Knodel
    3. Unexcused Absence: Aryn Lallas
  2. Approval of Agenda- Motion made by Clint and seconded by Janon to approve the agenda with the addition of “New Director” immediately after Introduction of Guests, and “Shirts” under Old Business. Motion passed.
  3. Introduction of Guests: Shawna Miller who has submitted an application for membership since she has attended three meetings; Liz Gutierrez
  4. New Director- Motion made by Clint and seconded by Magi to approve Shawna Miller’s request to join our Board since she has met all the requirements. Motion passed.
  5. Approval of July 26, 2018 Minutes- Motion made by Janon and seconded by Ann to approve the minutes. Motion passed.
  6. Financial report- Treasurer Magi reported on the following:
    1. The raffle license account is being closed with the Secretary of State.
    2. TBK Bank has been taking $5.00 a month for inactivity fee.
    3. Magi went through income and expenditures
  7. Old Business
    1. 2018 Fundraiser
      1. LuLu’s Farm Events- We earned at least $500
      2. Karaoke at Main Bar- The budget shows an ending balance of $856. We have not received the money from the bar tab yet; however, it is believed that Juan has a check from the bar
    2. Web Site Update- Still in progress but will be up to date by the end of October
    3. Other
      1. Officers
        1. Janon Swink resigned as Vice Chair. This position will be filled in the January business meeting.Chairperson Worth appointed Janon Swink as Treasurer (a job that she did for many years in the past).
        2. Discussion over whether we should have one or two signers on all handwritten checks. It was decided we should have two: the treasurer and one other board member.
        3. Motion made by Lloyd Worth and seconded by Magi McEntire to remove Magi McEntire and Lloyd Worth from the checking account and to not add Rhianon Collins who was going to be a second signer as was decided at the July meeting. Motion passed.
        4. Motion made by Joan Kniss and seconded by Shawna Miller to add Janon Swink and Joan Kniss to the checking account as signers. Motion passed.
      2. Shirts- Ann reported that the majority of the board wanted three button polo style shirts in blue with the yellow logo. She will send out two choices and ask us our preferences and shirt size.
  8. New Business
    1. Gifts for Past Directors- It was decided that we would continue our practice of thanking past directors for their service. We will give both Yvette Martinez and Kerrie Navarro a $50 gift card or we will give a $50 donation to a non-profit of their choice.
    2. Proposal for scholarships and fundraisers- Joan proposed that we no longer fundraise for scholarships. We would instead hold two events in partnership with two local non-profits, and the proceeds would go to those non-profits. With this proposal we will also not ask for sponsorships. Magi reminded us that the sponsorship money and the profits from the fundraisers this year have been publicized as going towards scholarships in May. So…the proposal will be tabled until our January planning meeting for further discussion.
    3. Growing Grads College Readiness Nights- We decided to participate in the first event on October 10 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 at the Armory. Rhianon and Ann volunteered to host our table. (Since the meeting, Joan updated the scholarship form, and Julie Stewart said that she would make copies for that night. Ann will pick up the copies from Julie.)
    4. Joan mentioned that in the past we had our grant recipients sign a contract that included specific expectations. We will do that again this year.
  9. Next Meeting
    1. The October meeting was canceled.
    2. November 15 (note change from our regular date due to Thanksgiving), 11-2. This is a longer meeting because we will decide upon our grant funding.
  10. Meeting Adjourned.

Minutes recorded by Joan Kniss

Minutes amended on 10/3/2018.  Changes to section VII.c.i.4 in Bold above.