Board of Directors’ Virtual Meeting
Present: Chairperson Magi McEntire, Vice Chair Rhianon Collins, Lloyd Worth, Ann Taddeo, Joan Kniss, Julie Stewart, Peggy Jarrett, Ashley Settergren
Absent: Clint Blackhurst, Juan Luna, Janon Swink
Guests: None
- Call to Order: Chairperson Magi called the meeting to order at 11:35 am.
- Approval of the Agenda: Motion made by Lloyd and second by Joan to approve the agenda. Motion passed.
- Review of May minutes: Motion made by Peggy and second by Ann to approve the May 2020 minutes. Motion passes.
- Financial Report: Given by Magi. The second round of checks have gone out, and Amanda Griffin has been paid for web hosting.
- Old Business: The Foundation represented by Magi and Janon will present to Brighton’s City Council August 2, 2020. It was suggested that perhaps two grant recipients could speak about how they have used grant money.
- New Business: Chad from Brothers Redevelopment requested funding for the Help for Homes program in the amount of $5000. Twelve applications have been received for home repairs. Motion made by Magi and second by Peggy to approve emergency grant funding. Motion passed. We had set aside $10,000 to support this program.
- Next meeting: August 17, 2020, 11:30-1 pm. (Subsequently this meeting was canceled.)
Adjournment: Magi moved to adjourn with a second by Joan. Motion passed.