Present: Chairperson Magi McEntire, Treasurer Janon Swink, Rhianon Collins, Lloyd Worth, Clint Blackhurst, Peggy Jarrett, Ashley Settergren, Juan Luna, Julie Stewart
Absences: Ann Taddeo, Secretary Joan Kniss
Guests: None
- Chairperson Magi called the meeting to order at 11:35
- Approval of the agenda – Moved by Lloyd, seconded by Julie. Motion passed unanimously.
- Minutes from February 17, 2020
- Spelling of Settergren was corrected
Moved to approve as corrected by Magi with a second by Lloyd. Motion passed unanimously.
- Financial Report (Janon)
- Paid bookkeeper, Katherine Feis for the month
- Sent check to BYC for SPEAK program
- Janon will request 2nd half grant payments from the City of Brighton, including the extra $10K currently earmarked for Brothers Redevelopment. Clint asked that Janon please copy him on the letter sent to the city.
- Old Business
- 2020 Fundraisers
- Disc Golf – has been canceled due to COVID-19
- Karaoke – No progress, but we will remain open to opportunities later in the year. Else, may just try again next year.
- Lulu’s – no new information
- 2020 Fundraisers
- New Business
- Magi and Amanda are working on various web site updates
- We have not received a contract bid from Amanda for 2021
- Next Meeting- currently scheduled for June 15, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., PVMC
- Meeting Adjourned
Respectfully submitted, Lloyd Worth
Temporary Appointed Secretary