Board Meeting Minutes: January 20, 2020

Brighton Legacy Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes from January 20, 2019

Present: Magi McEntire, Lloyd Worth, Janon Swink, Peggy Jarrett, Juan Luan, Julie Stewart, Ann Taddeo, Clint Blackhurst, Ashley Setterren, Joan Kniss

Unexcused Absent: Rhianon Collins

  1. Chairperson McEntire called the meeting together at 11:35 am.
  2. Approval of the Agenda- Magi mentioned that the election of officers would take place at the February meeting. Motion made by Clint and seconded by Juan to amend the agenda indicating the change for election of officers. Motion passed to approve the amended agenda.
  3. Review of November minutes- Motion made by Peggy and seconded by Lloyd to approve the minutes. Motion passed.
  4. Financial report- Treasurer Janon Swink reported on the following:
    1. Review of 2019 financial report
    2. Motion made by Janon and seconded by Joan to move all the funds remaining in “unrestricted funds” plus $328.32 from scholarships to the outside agency fund. Motion passed.
    3. Line items “Brew and Q” and “Chili Fest” will become one line item.
    4. The Foundation would like to present to City Council. Clint will ask for a date. Also all requests to Council will go through Clint.
  5. Old Business
    1. By-Law Updates
      • Magi gave an extensive summary of purposed by-law changes especially in Article VIII Fundraising. The Board discussed each change and agreed to the wording: Proposed Changes to By-Laws:
        • Update Revision Date in footer to February 17, 2020
        • 10.B: With the Board of Directors’ discretion, a vacancy will be declared if a Director misses three consecutive meetings without direct notice or correspondence with the board chair at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
          • Shall now read: With the Board of Directors’ discretion, a vacancy will be declared if a Director misses three consecutive meetings without direct notice or correspondence with the board chair.
        • 8.1: Proceeds from the sale of raffle tickets and other fundraisers shall be used for youth funding and scholarships for local students.  The Foundation’s accounting statements shall reflect this spending in checks and balances.
          • Shall now read: Proceeds from fundraisers shall be used for outside agency and/or youth funding. The Foundation’s accounting statements shall reflect this spending in checks and balances.
    2. Funding Policy Guidelines
      1. Proposed changes were reviewed. Please, see attached Funding Policy Guidelines.
        1. Motion made by Lloyd and seconded by Janon to approve the funding policy changes. Motion passed.
      2. We need to develop a form for follow-up reporting.
    3. Creation of Emergency Funding Procedures- Discussion on proposed procedures
    4. For the 2021 grant application forms for city sponsored groups and youth groups, we are going to add that a cover letter needs to be included which would give a brief summary of the non-profit and the grant proposal.
  6. New Business- 2020 Fundraisers
    1. Disc Golf
      1. June 20 7 am to 5 pm
      2. Juan, Janon, Rhianon, and Joan will organize.
    2. Karaoke- Lloyd and Juan will organize.
  7. Miscellaneous Announcements
    1. United Power donated $1000.00. Thank you, Julie!!
    2. Chamber of Commerce dues are $300. Motion made by Janon and seconded by Lloyd to continue our membership.
    3. Greg Mills has resigned.
  8. Next Meeting
    1. February 17, 11:30 am. Peggy graciously agreed to host further meetings at Platte Valley Medical Center.
  9. Adjourn- Motion made by Lloyd and seconded by Joan. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Kniss