Board Meeting Minutes: October 21, 2019

Directors present: Chairperson Magi McEntire, Vice Chair Rhianon Collins, Lloyd Worth, Treasurer Janon Swink, Peggy Jarrett, Julie Stewart, Secretary Joan Kniss, Ann Taddeo, Juan Luna (Tardy)

Absent: Greg Mills (excused)

New member appointed by the Youth Commission: Ashley Settergren, a junior at Brighton High School

  1. Approval of Agenda- corrected to indicate the “approval of the August meeting minutes.” Motion made to approve agenda as corrected made by Joan with second by Janon. Motion passed.
  2. Financial Report- Presented by Janon
    1. Insurance with Hanover: cost $738 for the 2020 year (this is the same as 2019).
    2. Outside agency account: There was a discrepancy of $2000 which was tracked down to an incorrect request to the city in 2018 by then treasurer, Magi McEntire.  A motion was made by Janon via email on 10/23 to bring the outside agency account to $0 by moving funds from admin. Joan seconded and the motion passed.
    3. Fundraising proceeds
      1. Brew & Cue- $625
      2. Chili Fest- Yet to be determined
  3. Old Business
    1. 2019 Karaoke Night
      1. Need gift cards for balloon pop and gifts for drawings.
      2. Adam Cushing donated a guitar for the grand prize give away.
      3. LuLu’s will donate $200 worth of items for the Karaoke Night.
      4. The bar will donate 20% of the proceeds from drinks and will create a special drink for that night.
    2. Raffle license: We have received no additional letters from the Secretary of State.
    3. We received “thank you” notes from Pennock Center, St. Augustine Food Pantry, Bird Conservancy and Brothers Redevelopment.
  4. New Business
    1. The Kids First Health Clinic at BHS would like for us to visit.  Magi will send out a doodle poll to find a date.
    2. Shawna Miller has officially resigned from the Board.
    3. We need to realign the lunch teams.
    4. TBK has decided to donate silent auction proceeds to Legacy from their upcoming afterhours event. We need to support this event by donating to their silent auction and attending.
    5. We will work on finding a date for a BlackJack Pizza fundraiser.
    6. Janon suggested that the lunch for our grant meeting could be funded by Legacy. It was agreed that since other City sponsored boards provide lunch for members that we could do the same for this special yearly meeting.
    7. Greg was asked to find out how much we will receive from the City this year.  We thought $110,000.
  5. Next meeting: November 18 at United Power.  Joan will take care of the lunch logistics.
  6. Adjourn: Motion made by Joan and seconded by Lloyd to adjourn. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted by Joan Kniss, Secretary