Present: Chairperson Magi McEntire, Vice Chair Rhianon Collins, Julie Stewart, Treasurer Janon Swink, Juan Luna, Lloyd Worth, and Secretary Joan Kniss.
Tardy: Greg Mills, City Council Alternate (Arrived at 11:50)
Absent, Excused: Ann Taddeo
Absent, Unexcused: Clint Blackhurst, City Council Representative
Guest: Peggy Jarrett
- Meeting called to order by Magi at 11:40.
- Approval of the agenda: Motion made by Lloyd and second by Joan. Motion approved.
- Minutes from May: Motion made by Julie and second by Janon to approve the minutes. Motion approved.
- Financials: Janon
- Marty Wadsworth, our tax accountant, has filed for an extension.
- CO Shares has been reinstated.
- The second half of the grant money has been paid to the grantees.
- Received $51.48 from Amazon Smile.
- Fees for the Chili Fest paid.
- Old Business:
- Fundraisers:
- Disc Golf: Joan gave a recap and thanked all who helped in one way or another. Net income $1,333.77.
- LuLu’s Brew N Que: Awaiting check for proceeds.
- Chili Fest at LuLu’s is September 7, 2019. We have no obligation to work at the event, but we were encouraged to attend.
- Karaoke:
- Lloyd and Rhianon have begun the planning.
- We agreed to do the 50/50 drawing and the balloon pop.
- Looking at an October date
- Board members will be encouraged to donate gift cards and small items for the balloon pop.
- Other: The request for additional funding was delivered to the City Manager; however, with the termination of Mr. Rodriquez, we decided to send another letter to Acting City Manager Falconburg.
- Fundraisers:
- New Business
- Raffle Issue: Even though Ann closed our account and received a letter from the Secretary of State’s office indicating the account was closed, we received communications that we were sent to collections. Ann is working with Magi to get this resolved.
- 2020 Grant applications: It was decided that we don’t need to change the application.
- Other: Peggy Jarrett has turned in her application to join the board. Magi will send the application out to the board with an email vote for approval.
- Next meeting will be September 16, 2019 at Almost Home. Lunch team will be Rhianon, Joan, Ann, and Clint.
- Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Joan and second by Juan. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Kniss, Secretary