Board Meeting Minutes: May 23, 2019

Present: Chairperson Magi McEntire, Clint Blackhurst, Rhianon Collins, Julie Stewart, Janon Swink, Lloyd Worth, Joan Kniss, Greg Mills (City Council alternate)

Excused Absences: Ann Taddeo, Juan Luna

Guest: Camryn Brunson from Brighton DECA

  1. Meeting called to order by Magi at 11:40.
  2. Approval of the agenda: Approved with a revision to move the DECA presentation to the beginning of the meeting. Motion made by Joan and second by Janon. Motion approved.
  3. Presentation from Brighton DECA: Camryn presented a thank you letter from DECA for supporting their trip to Nationals. The letter also listed those who went to the national competition.
  4. Approval of minutes from April: Motion made by Lloyd and second by Julie to approve the minutes. Motion approved.
  5. Financials presented by Janon:
    1. $5000 was given in scholarships to high school seniors.
    2. She requested the remaining half of the grant money from the City.
    3. Marty Wadsworth, our tax accountant, has filed for an extension.
  6. Old Business
    1. Fundraisers
      1. Disc Golf: Joan reminded everyone about their donations and the time they have agreed to help on the day of the tournament.
      2. LuLu’s Brew N Que: We have no obligation to work at the event (4/26/19), but we were encouraged to attend.
      3. Karaoke: Shawna had agreed to organize this event; however, she is transitioning out of her role as the Director of Almost Home and will also be leaving our board. Lloyd and Rhianon will begin the planning. We agreed to do the 50/50 drawing and the balloon pop.
    2. Scholarships: All scholarships have been presented, and pictures need to be sent to Amanda for the website and Facebook page.
    3. New members- Magi talked to the Youth Commission; however, it is difficult for youth to attend our meetings since they are during the middle of the day on Thursday.
      1. Discussion as to whether we should change our meeting date so that we can have youth involvement.
      2. We agreed to have our regular meetings on the third Mondays of the month. This will begin in August. We will not meet in June or July.
    4. Other
      1. The request for additional funding was delivered to the City Manager, who requested information on how the money has been spent in the past.
      2. Clint felt that with the growth of the city and since we have not asked for an increase in funding that we should ask for the rate of inflation every year and if that was granted then we should be receiving $125,000 a year rather than $85,000.
  7. New Business- None
  8. The next meeting will be August 19, 2019 at Almost Home. Lunch team will be Julie, Janon, Juan, and Magi.
  9. Adjournment- Motion to adjourn by Lloyd and second by Julie. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Joan Kniss, Secretary