Board Meeting Minutes: April 25, 2019

Present: Chairperson McEntire, Lloyd Worth, Julie Stewart, Janon Swink, Shawna Miller, Ann Taddeo, Joan Kniss, City Council Alternate Greg Mills

Excused: Clint Blackhurst, Rhianon Collins, Juan Luna

  1. Meeting called to order by Magi.
  2. Agenda: Motion made by Magi and second by Janon to revise the agenda so that the representatives from the BHS Unified Team could present early in the meeting. Motion approved and agenda approved.
  3. Presentation of thanks by sponsors of the Unified Team Paula Hoag and Michelle Rice and three members of the team.
  4. Minutes- Motion made by Ann and second by Janon to revise the minutes to reflect that the disc golf tournament is on June 15, 2019. Minutes approved as corrected.
  5. Financials- Janon reported on the following:
    1. $750 from Youth Funding account was donated to Brighton DECA.
    2. Marty Wadsworth will do the 2018 taxes.
    3. $300 was received from the karaoke fundraiser. This money will go into the scholarship fund.
  6. Old Business
    1. Aryn Lallas and Rodney Knodel submitted their resignations. As has been past practice, $50 gifts were offered. Aryn chose to have the money stay in our account. Rodney asked that his money go to his church’s youth group. The Board agreed to that request.
    2. Scholarship Committee: Julie, Janon, and Shawna agreed to serve on this committee with Joan. We need pictures of the presentations for our website.
    3. Fundraisers
      1. Disc Golf
        1. The date is Saturday, June 15 from 8-5 at Benedict Park.
        2. The following agreed to donate:
          1. 100 bottles of cold water- Clint
          2. 2 containers of juice-Janon
          3. Coffee- Lloyd
          4. 2 big bags of salad- Shawna
          5. 2 bottles of salad dressing- Ann/Rhianon
          6. Granola bars- Greg
          7. Liters of soda- Julie
          8. Paper goods, ice, and fruit- Joan
          9. Big cooler-Ann.
        3. Sign- up sheet for helping that day:
          1. 7:30-10- Julie, Greg and Janon
          2. 10-noon- Ann, Rhianon, Magi
          3. Noon to 2:30- Shawna, Lloyd, Magi
          4. 2:30- end- Lloyd, Magi, need one more
          5. Joan will stay all day.
      2. Karaoke- Shawna will begin planning this.
      3. LuLu’s Brew N Que is April 26-27. We have no responsibilities for this event.
  7. New Business- None other than the Unified Team presentation.
    1. Next Meeting- May 23, 11:30 at Almost Home. Lunch team is Greg, Lloyd and Joan

Respectfully submitted:

Joan Kniss