Present: Chairperson McEntire, Janon Swink, Shawna Miller, Julie Stewart, Rhianon Collins, Clint Blackhurst, Lloyd Worth, Joan Kniss, Ann Taddeo (arrived 11:40)
Alternate: Greg Mills (arrived 11:50)
Unexcused: Juan Luna
- Call to Order: Chairperson McEntire called the meeting to order at 11:30.
- Approval of Agenda
- Magi asked for the agenda to be revised to include the resignation of Aryn Lallas under 6. A.
- Motion made by Lloyd and seconded by Janon to approve the revised agenda. Motion passed.
- Introduction of Guests: Lloyd introduced Peggy Jarrett who works at Platte Valley Medical Center and Good Samaritan. Peggy gave us a resume of all that she has done and is doing in our community. She would like to be considered for our board.
- Approval of January 28, 2019 minutes
- Minutes were corrected to indicate that Lloyd had made the motion under G. 2. and the date of the March meeting was the 28th rather than the 21st,
- Motion made by Ann and seconded by Lloyd to approve the corrected minutes. Motion passed.
- Financial Report
- Janon went through the financials which were printed for the board.
- $250 was paid to renew our liquor license.
- As per our policy, last year’s remaining event and sponsorship money has been transferred to Youth Funding to bring that amount to $2500 and the remainder of the money will go to scholarships.
- Motion made by Janon and seconded by Lloyd to approve the financials. Motion passed.
- Old Business
- Resignations- We received resignation from Rodney Knodel and Aryn Lallas. To follow what we have done in the past, both Rodney and Aryn will receive either a $50 gift card or a donation in his/her name will be made to a non-profit of choice.
- Scholarships
- All 2018 scholarship money was disbursed.
- Since we are no longer giving a Continuing Education Scholarship, that application will be taken off our website.
- The deadline for applications this year is April 30, 2019, and they will be picked up from the counseling offices and the post office on May 2.
- A review committee will be needed.
- 2019 Grants- All grant agreements have been signed and returned so that funding can be processed.
- Funding Guidelines- Are they on the website? What needs to be added to the actual application so that grant applicants understand our reporting expectations.
- Big Check Presentations- Let Magi know if you need the big check.
- New Business
- BHS Unified Team Presentation- No one came to present.
- DECA Request
- BHS DECA requested $750 to help with expenses to the national conference.
- They have been notified that they will need to submit a follow-up report within 30 days after the conference.
- Motion made by Magi and seconded by Joan to fund Brighton High School DECA $750. Motion passed.
- 2019 Fundraisers
- Sponsorships- United Power has donated $1000. Thank you, Julie!!
- Disc Golf
- The date is Saturday, June 15 from 8-5 at Benedict Park.
- Sign-up sheet was passed around for food:
- 100 bottles of water- Clint
- 2 containers of juice-Janon
- Coffee- Lloyd
- 2 big bags of salad- Shawna
- 2 bottles of salad dressing- Ann/Rhianon
- Granola bars- Greg
- Liters of soda- Julie
- Paper goods, ice, and fruit- Joan
- Big cooler- Ann will ask Aryn if we can borrow hers.
- Sign- up sheet was passed around for help that day:
- 7:30-10- Julie, Greg and Janon
- 10-noon- Ann, Rhianon, need one more
- Noon to 2:30- Shawna, Lloyd, Magi
- 2:30- end- Lloyd, need two more
- Joan will stay all day.
- LuLu’s Brew N Que is April 26/27. Board members were encouraged to attend. They use our liquor license and we receive an amount of profits from them.
- Karaoke Night
- Shawna had volunteered at the January meeting to help organize this.
- We have NOT received the profits due to us from last year. Lloyd will follow up with Juan about this money.
- Search for new members: No names brought up.
- State of the City- A reminder to RSVP if you plan to attend on May 16 at 7:30 am at the Armory.
- Funding for next year- Joan asked Clint and Greg if they could ask for more money from the City Council budget since our funding has not increased since the inception of the Foundation. Clint asked that a formal letter be sent to the Mayor and City Council explaining the additional needs within the community and that our funding falls short of the requests. Magi volunteered to write the letter and will also ask to be put on a Study Session agenda so that we can give our yearly update.
- The State of Colorado sent us a letter indicating that we were out of compliance with our gaming license. However, Ann has personally closed that account months ago.
- A reminder that Board members are given a free annual pass to the Recreation Center. A list of Board members has been given to Charles Flynn, a staff member at the Rec Center.
- Next meeting
- April 25, 11:30-1 at Almost Home’s Community Room
- Lunch will be provided by Clint, Rhianon, Shawna and Ann.
- April 25, 11:30-1 at Almost Home’s Community Room
- Adjournment- Motion made by Magi and seconded by Shawna. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted by Joan Kniss, Secretary