Board Meeting Minutes: June 28, 2018

Board Members Present: Lloyd Worth (Chair), Magi McEntire (Treasurer), Kerri
Navarro (Secretary), Yvette Martinez, Julie Stewart, Juan Luna, Rodney Knodel, Ann Taddeo and Joan Kniss
Excused Absences: Janon Swink (Vice Chair) and Rhianon Collins
Unexcused: Clint Blackhurst and Aryn Lallas
Guests: Shawna Miller, the Executive Director of Almost Home and Nicole Petersen

  1. Meeting
    1. Called to order by Lloyd Worth at 11:49 am.
    2. Approval of Agenda- a motion was made to approve June’s agenda by Joan Kniss, it was seconded and passed
    3. A motion was made to approve May’s corrected minutes by Magi, it was seconded and passed
  2. Financial report
    1. Recent activity included an admin charge of $155.88 for website hosting and $5 inactivity fee for the raffle account.
    2. The second half of the grant money was distributed on June 27, 2018.
    3. There was a return for $150 from a Front Range Community College scholarship. The recipient did not re-enroll in the spring semester.
    4. $208 was paid for signs and banners for events.
    5. Magi accidentally used Brighton Legacy Foundation credit card to purchase a basket for Brighton’s Women’s Conference, but this was immediately rectified.
  3. Old Business
    1. Disc Golf recap
      1. Thank you cards will go out to Santiago’s in Commerce City and Blackjack Pizza in Brighton for their food donations for the tournament.
      2. $509 in expenses were incurred for this tournament. The Foundation is expected to profit approximately $1166.75
      3. Joan moved to give Camden a $50 gift certificate for his efforts in coordinating the Disc Golf tournament. It was seconded and passed.
    2. Karaoke Event will be July 14th from 1-5pm
      1. “In the Dog House” will be the food vendor
      2. We will have a 50/50 drawing during the event
      3. We’re still collecting items of $10 or more in value for the balloon pop. All donations are due by July 5, 2018. They can be dropped off at Worth Wealth Management.
      4. Budweiser girls will be present.
      5. Board members who are setting up will need to be there at 12:30pm.
    3. Big Choice Brewery Event
      1. No new updates
    4. Lulu’s Farm Event
      1. Will occur in September of 2018
    5. The Brighton Legacy Foundation website is expected to be live July 6th or 7th.
      1. There are still some bios that are outstanding.
  4. New Business
    1. Board clarity –
      1. Shawna Miller shared that the board of Almost Home is reviewing its bylaws, succession plans and board recruitment. Their goal is to be clearer with their mission. The BLF Board opted to address a similar planning session this September.
    2. Lloyd spoke about purchasing new shirts for the BLF Board members. Ann is looking into this. The Board was also reminded to wear their name badges during events.
    3. Nicole Peterson’s membership to the board was discussed. Lloyd requested she update her application.
  5. Next Meetings
    1. July 26th, 11:30 am-1:00 pm – Team B will provide lunch (Joan, Rodney, Aryn, Greg and Lloyd). Rodney has been excused from this meeting.
    2. August 23rd, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm- Team C will provide lunch (Julie, Janon, Juan and Magi). Ann has been excused from this meeting.
  6. Adjournment- Motion made at 12:49 pm to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded, and the motion passed.