In attendance
Brighton Youth Commission: Rodney Knodel, Board Members: Melissa Rippy, Kerri Navarro, Lloyd Worth, Magi McEntire, Janon Swink, Erica Hageman, Ann Taddeo, Wilma Rose, Yvette Martinez and Joan Kniss.
- Call to order by Joan Kniss.
- No minutes for December’s meeting
- Coach Gene Tschida of the Brighton Bulls spoke to the Board. He coaches a local baseball team that consists of 12 year old boys. He is raising money to take his team to Cooperstown, NY to represent Brighton, CO.
- They need $12k to get the boys to go to the tournament.
- There will be 106 teams participating in this tournament across the nation.
- Currently, they have raised $8k.
- They are requesting $750.
- Melissa Rippy made a motion to grant this organization $750 to help send this team to Cooperstown. Ann Taddeo seconded this motion. Everyone was in favor and accepted.
- In recognition for this donation, the BLF logo will be on their banner in the parade in Cooperstown and at all of their games.
- Treasurer’s report- Magi McEntire.
- We have written checks for 2015 funding for all parties except for the three we are missing contracts for.
- Wells Fargo said they recommend we switch to a business choice checking account.
- We need to keep a minimum of $7500 in the account.
- We cannot deposit more than $7500 in cash per month.
- We must have less than 200 transactions per year.
- Kerri made a motion to switch to a business choice account at Wells Fargo. Erica seconded. All approved.
- Policies and Procedures
- Melissa Rippy suggested we review the conflict of interest forms. Joan is going to update this.
- Joan Kniss brought up City groups. She would like a clean policy so they must prove they have matching funds.
- Wilma didn’t feel like our money is best served when a department is able to fulfill this need.
- Funding checks deliveries
- Lloyd: Almost Home
- Magi: Friends at Bar Lake.
- Kerri: St. Augustine
- Kerri is also following up with the status of their contract.
- Wilma: Pennock
- Yvette: Bird Conservatory
- Rodney: Brighton Youth Commission
- Melissa: SDA- 7th Day Adven.
- The large dry erase check will be kept at Melissa Rippy All State Agency office.
- Please send photo to Joan after you present checks.
- First checks have been sent, June 1, 2016 will be when the 2nd checks will be sent.
- Election of Officers
- Kerri will remain the Secretary and Magi will remain the Treasurer.
- Melissa Rippy made a motion to elect Yvette Martinez as the Chair of the BLF. Wilma seconded. All accepted.
- Erica Hageman made the motion to elect Wilma Rose as Vice Chair, Melissa seconded and all approved.
- A motion was made for Kerri Navarro to continue in her role as the Secretary and Magi McEntire to continue her role as Treasurer. Wilma seconded and all approved.
- A big thank you was given to Joan Kniss for her dedication and hard work as the Chair of the board this past year.
- Policies and Procedure
- Joan recommended we revisit City organization related funding.
- Melissa recommended we revise the conflict of interest of all board members.
- Joan recommends we put in our Policies and Procedures that we do not fund capital expenditures. She plans on making a motion regarding this in February’s meeting.
- Wilma will speak to our attorneys for clarification on funding uniforms.
- 2016 Fundraisers
- Joan recommended we keep all sponsorship money together for all events.
- Erica suggested creating a planning document. Joan is going to create this document and have ready for February’s meeting.
- Ann Taddeo volunteered to lead the Poker Run for this year.
- Melissa Rippy volunteered to the lead the Ghost Run.
- Joan said that Benedict Park was reserved for June 11th for the Disc Golf tournament.
- Discussion was had about the levels and exposure of sponsors.
- Erica suggestion the next meeting everyone who wants to head a fundraiser will complete this planning form. She also wants to head the kickball tournament. Tentative date is May.
- Poker run is tentative set for July.
- Disc Golf will be ran by Joan and Juan
- Melissa suggested a host a car show. Open the show up to all cars and motorcycles.
- Janon suggested having the car show at the end of the poker run.
- Joan suggested a foot golf tournament.
- Wilma suggested a garden tour and Joan suggested entering this in Brighton’s big/little idea contest.
- Publicity
- Ensure all board members have in their bio and headshot.
- Joan is going to continue updating our Facebook account.
- Magi volunteered to meet monthly with the non-profit console.
- Motion to adjourn by Kerri, Joan seconded. All approved.
- Meeting adjourned.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, February 25, 2016 at Historic City Hall Heritage Room at 11:30 a.m. Yvette will provide lunch
Respectfully submitted by Kerri Navarro, Secretary