Present: Wilma, Yvette, Juan, Janon, Lloyd, Ann, Erica, Melissa, Joan
- Agenda approved
- February minutes approved
- Youth Corp member Rodney Knodel was introduced. He was formally voted onto the Foundation Board.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Janon reported that for the July checks she will hand write them herself so that everyone knows that the account is held at our local Wells Fargo.
- Wilma suggested that our bookkeeper Kelly be invited to an upcoming meeting so that everyone can meet her.
- We still need contracts from Senior Hub (Juan) and Spotlight Kids Theater (Aryn).
- Representatives from the Project Unify Team at Brighton High School made a presentation in regards to their request for funding from our youth account. Janon moved that this group be given $750; seconded by Lloyd. Unanimous approval.
- Old Business
- Janon moved and Melissa seconded that $3000 from scholarships be moved to the Youth Account. Unanimous approval.
- Youth Funding Policy- Suggestions were made. Motion by Melissa with a second by Janon to approve this new policy. Motion approved unanimously.
- New Board Member Policy
- Motion made by Lloyd and seconded by Yvette to approve this policy. Motion approved unanimously.
- Discussion over board make-up. It was decided that it would be helpful if we had board representation from a large business in town ie United Power, Halliburton, Vestas.
- We reviewed the suggested revisions for the by-laws. The second reading will happen at the April meeting.
- Fundraisers
- Disc Golf- Wilma and Camden have selected June 13 and the entire Benedict Park has been reserved. Camden will contact Chik-Fil-A for a breakfast donation. Will need to find a donation for lunch. Erica will provide water. Looking at water bottles again for give aways. More decisions will be made at April meeting.
- Poker Run- Ann thought that July 13 would be a good day. She is thinking about an auction in addition to the run. Looking to start and finish at Copper Rail and have a band. Cars are welcome as well as motorcycles.
- Historic Tour- Aryn was not present so no report.
- 5K Run- Melissa will look at Sept 12 and will contact Adams County Fairgrounds. Possible theme “Be a Hero in the Community” which could encourage some super hero costumes. Melissa talked about doing an “envelop” fundraiser which was something that happened at the ribbon cutting for the Richard Lambert Foundation.
- Event Sponsorship
- Joan has secured $1000 from United Power who will be a “Premier” sponsor. Their logo is already on our website and Facebook page.
- Melissa- All businesses at the Pavillions, Babba Chinos, Johnson Auto, Front Range Auto and Brighton Ford.
- Juan- Moda Latina, Paisano Liquor, Metro PCS, Transwest.
- Ann- Copper Rail, Trunk
- Wilma- Valley Bank, BVB, Brubaker law
- Need to have commitments by our April meeting.
- Scholarship Committee- Juan, Melissa, and Lloyd
- Applications are all out in the high schools.
- Posted on the website.
- Articles have been in the Blade and Daily Post.
- Cookbooks passed out. We will charge $10.
- New Business- It was decided that we will not have a booth at CultureFest.
The next meeting will be April 15, 2015 at 11:00 in the Heritage Room.