Members present: Joan, Wilma, Juan, Sonda, Aryn, Yvette, Carol, Lloyd, Erica, Melissa, Ann
Guests: Amanda, Camden
I. Call to Order
II. Agenda approved
III. Introduction of guests
IV. June minutes approved
V. Financial report approval continued to next meeting
VI. Continuing Business
- New Board members formal acceptance
Lloyd Worth, Ann Taddeo, Erica Hageman, Melissa Rippy
Motion made by Yvette
Juan 2nd
Motion passed - Disc golf final recap by Camden
Great day & turn out
Motion made by Wilma to have next year
Juan 2nd
Motion passed - Website update by Amanda Griffin
Amanda presented outline
Subcommittee – Joan, Lloyd, Kerri - Historic tour update by Aryn
- Continuing Education Scholarship
Meeting after this meeting
$1,000 – (5) scholarships - Cookbook update – Joan to contact Kami
VII. New business
- Request for support for the Predator Awareness Fair – Amanda
Will discuss further at next meeting - Friends of the Foundation subcommittee – Carol, Sonda, Juan
Draft a document to review at next meeting
Expectations - Add’l Fundraiser committee – Aryn, Carol, Kerri, Wilma
- Name tags – Yes
- Budget Planning
Wilma to work with Janon - Discussed lunches and pairing up
- Discussed giveaway – basket with cookbook and ingredients for a recipe
VIII. Motion and 2nd to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m.
Next Meeting – August 6, 2014 at 11 a.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Sonda Donley