Members present: Joan, Wilma, Juan, Kerri, Sonda, Janon, Aryn, Yvette
I. Call to Order
II. Agenda approved
III. Introduction of guests
IV. May minutes approved
V. Financial report approved
VI. Continuing Business
- Chief Blackhurst discussion between the Foundation and the City postponed.
- Website proposals Amanda Griffin and Thomas Wright
Motion made by Juan for Amanda Griffin, Yvette 2nd, Motion passed
VII. Subcommittee updates
- Disc Golf
Wilma recapped – great day and turn out
Expenses – if you are owed money, turn in receipts
Next year – possibly 2-day, combine efforts with Louisville - CultureFest—Give up booth and share with Chamber Booth
- Kickball—Reader to reader ads – Daily Post $10
- Historic Tour—Yvette & Aryn updated progress
- Scholarships—Joan discussed
VIII. New business
- Wilma discussed contracts for organizations to use BLF 501(c)(3) status
- Janon received gift card for gas
- $5.00 donation each for Joonbugz gift card for Karah
- Motion to give Camden $100 visa gift card approved
- Guest questions
- Thank-you cards received from
Rocky Mountain Bird Academy
Brighton DECA
Brighton Shares the Harvest - Next meeting
Name Tags
E-mail address
IX. Motion and 2nd to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
X. Next Meeting – July 2, 2014 at 11 a.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Sonda Donley