Members present: Joan, Wilma, Juan, Kerri, Sonda, Janon, Karah, Yvette, Aryn, Carol
I. Call to Order
II. Agenda approved
III. April minutes approved
IV. Financial report approved
V. Motion to move $2500 to Youth funding by Joan, Wilma 2nd, passed
VI. Presentation by Destination Imagination requesting funding for 12 students. Motion made by Wilma and seconded by Juan to allocate $750 to Destination Imagination. Motion passed
VII. Presentation by Prairie View H.S. HOSA requesting funding for 5 students. Motion made by Wilma and seconded by Yvette to allocate $375 to HOSA group. Motion passed
VIII. Continuing Business
- Subcommittee Updates
- Motion made to have new banner made each year with sponsorships listed under class of sponsorship by Sonda, Aryn seconded, motion passed.
- Cookbook – Karah reported the draft will be complete by Monday, May 12.
- Disc Golf – Wilma reported plans proceeding well for the May 31 event; gift cards needed for prizes.
- Kickball – To be discussed more at the June meeting.
- Historic Tour – Wilma suggested Brighton trivia questions.
- Aryn updated on Progressive Wine Tasting.
- Booth at CultureFest on June 7 – Wilma suggested gift basket with cookbook and ingredients for a recipe to give away.
- Discussed website/Facebook page – still working on getting info from Josh. Discussed (2) proposals for website managers.
- Contracts for outside agencies and Fire Departments – tabled for June meeting.
- Membership on the Board of Directors – 5 min, 15 max. Joan, Aryn & Yvette will invite potential new members to observe at next mtg.
IX. New Business – None
X. Juan motioned to adjourn, 2nd by Carol. Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
Next Meeting – June 4, 2014 at 11 a.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Sonda Donley