Members present: Yvette, Wilma, Joan, Carol, Sonda, Karah, Janon and Juan
I. Call to order
II. Agenda approved
III. January minutes approved
IV. Reviewed financial report
V. Continuing business
- Reviewed foundation documents
- Reports from subcommittees
– Cookbook – Wilma discussed requesting donations v. selling
– Disc golf – Wilma motioned $1500 budget & Janon seconded, passed
– Kickball – Juan updated, dates discussed
– Historic Bike Tour – Yvette updated - Scholarships
Discussed requirements for graduating seniors and continuing ed requirements
$3000 for seniors – Yvette motioned & Carol seconded, passed
Joan to work on draft for continuing ed scholarships
VI. Reviewed lunch schedule
VII. Special reports
- Wilma attended Non-profit council for January
Reminder of money owing for Kami’s gift and tee-shirts
VIII. New business
- Request for funding from Brighton Bandits Baseball
$75/child Max $750 for team
So motioned Juan, Sonda seconded, passed
IX. Thank-you to Wilma
Juan motioned to adjourn, Yvette seconded, meeting adjourned.
Next meeting will be on March 5, 2014.
Minutes provided by Sonda Donley